Which Area Is Gifted By Pakistan to China: All You Should Know

Which Area Is Gifted By Pakistan to China

Have you ever thought about which area is gifted by Pakistan to China? The Shaksgam Valley in the Karakoram mountains is disputed. You may have seen it in the news, but do you know its history? Why did Pakistan cede 5,180 square kilometres to China in 1963? What’s happened in the valley since? Stay calm—we’ve got you. Get a basic history of the Shaksgam Valley and why it was graciously granted. We’ll cover everything from who owned it to the present. You’ll learn how Pakistan gave China this crucial region and why it was controversial.

Shaksgam Valley Population By Religion

When it comes to which area is gifted by Pakistan to China. Shaksgam Valley, a steep, remote valley in northern Pakistan’s Karakoram mountain range, is home to numerous ethnic and religious groups. Most of the 3,000 are Muslims, including Baltis, Hunzakuts, and Wakhis.

The Baltis, who comprise approximately half the population, practice Shia Islam. They speak Balti, a Tibetan language, and are thought to have moved centuries ago. Small valley communities are home to most Baltis farmers and herders.

Ismaili Wakhis speak Iranian Wakhi. About a third of the population lives in the higher valley. The Wakhis are recognized for their friendliness and trade or tourism.

Hunzakuts are Shia Muslims who speak Burushaski, a language isolate. Hunza Valley migrants make up 15% of the population. Hunzakut farmers and shepherds thrive at high altitudes. Also noted for their longevity is that they eat primarily local organic produce.

Many people search for which area is gifted by Pakistan to China. These hard but beautiful villages have coexisted for generations despite religious and racial divides. Instead of scorning differences, the valley shows varied communities together over a love of the land. Due to its remoteness, historical civilizations and traditions have survived, giving the valley a timeless feel.

Despite being isolated, Shaksgam Valley residents welcome visitors. This oasis has stunning natural beauty and kind people. This Himalayan paradise’s religious and ethnic variety enhances exploration.

Why Pakistan Ceded Shaksgam Valley To China & Which Area Is Gifted By Pakistan to China

China acquired the Shaksgam Valley from Pakistan in 1963 as part of a boundary arrangement. Pakistan ceded this northernmost region of Kashmir to build relations with China. Pakistan wants an alliance with China after the China-India war. Pakistan won China’s friendship and backing by ceding Shaksgam Valley.

Strategic Reasons

When you look for which area is gifted by Pakistan to China, Some strategic factors led Pakistan to give China Shaksgam Valley. Pakistan allied with China to confront India, its adversary. Pakistan showed its willingness to work with China by relinquishing territory. Second, Pakistan probably thought China would assist them in governing Kashmir. The Chinese built the Karakoram Highway through Kashmir to connect them. Finally, Pakistan likely expected military and economic aid from China. China became a significant ally and provided aid.

Potential Resource Loss

The information of which area is gifted by Pakistan to China you should know about the arrangement benefited Pakistan strategically, but it cost 2,700 square miles. Remote, mountainous Shaksgam Valley may contain minerals that could be lucrative in the future. Pakistan also lost tourism earnings from the area’s beautiful mountains and views. Utilizing resources or promoting tourism in this distant region appeared unlikely.

Lasting Impact

The Shaksgam Valley Accord shaped regional geopolitics. China-Pakistan relations were solidified, shaping events for decades. However, it exacerbated China-India boundary conflicts over Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh. The accord strengthened China’s authority over an Indian-claimed area. These borders still cause tensions. Pakistan made the strategic decision to join with China despite losing territory, but Kashmiri rebels opposed it.

Sino-Pakistan Agreement – Which Area Is Gifted By Pakistan to China

Pakistan was concerned by Chinese maps showing Pakistani territory in 1959. Ayub Khan sent China a formal note in 1961, but has yet to receive a response.

 In January 1962, the Chinese withdrew the disputed maps and agreed to boundary discussions in March after Pakistan voted to admit China to the UN. Pakistanis applauded China’s agreement. The nations began negotiations on October 13, 1962, and reached an agreement on March 2, 1963. Chinese foreign minister Chen Yi and Pakistani Zulfikar Ali Bhutto signed it.

China accommodated Pakistan’s positions during negotiations. After the boundary alignment was agreed upon, Pakistani diplomat Abdul Sattar said the Pakistani side recognized that Hunza residents had historically used grazing pastures on the Chinese side. 

If you want to know which area is gifted by Pakistan to China, Zhou Enlai added 750 square miles to Pakistan to protect this traditional use. China’s accommodating approach in the negotiations was motivated not only by the desire to resolve boundary issues but also by its desire for calm borders, overall peace, and utilizing Pakistan’s successful border resolution to blame India’s intransigence for its border troubles. 

The accord required China and Pakistan to withdraw from 1,900 square kilometres (750 square miles) and a boundary based on the 1899 British Note to China as modified by Lord Curzon in 1905. Indian writers claim that Pakistan gave China 5,300 km2 (2,050 sq mi) of area it had no right to. 

Pakistan gave up the land north of the Uprang Jilga River, including the Raksam Plots, where the Mir of Hunza had taxing and grazing rights for most of the late 19th century as part of accords with Chinese authorities in Sinkiang. However, the Mir of Hunza, the British, and Jammu & Kashmir never contested sovereignty.


That’s it, folks now you know all about which area is gifted by Pakistan to China. China acquired the Shaksgam Valley from Pakistan in 1963 as part of the China-Pakistan Trans-Karakoram Tract agreement. While the area may seem insignificant, its location along the Karakoram Highway connecting the two countries makes it strategic. Some call it an unequal deal and a loss of territory for Pakistan, but the government says it was a friendship gesture that enhanced ties with China. The Shaksgam Valley handover is an intriguing and unusual event in these two nations’ linked history. China owns the valley, and it’s unlikely to change hands again. That’s everything about the contested and unknown Shaksgam Valley!

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How much land did Pakistan give China?

The accord required China and Pakistan to withdraw from 1,900 square kilometres (750 square miles) and a boundary based on the 1899 British Note to China as modified by Lord Curzon in 1905. Indian writers claim Pakistan surrendered about.

Why did Pakistan give China Shaksgam?

Pakistan has controlled the Shaksgam tract since 1947. Still, in the 1963 Sino-Pakistan Agreement, Pakistan recognized Chinese authority over it and recognized a line based on actual ground positions as the international border.

Is Gilgit Chinese?

Gilgit (Shia: ��لیٗت; Urdu: گلگت) IPA: [ˈɡɪlɡɪt]) It is a city in Pakistani-administered Gilgit-Baltistan, disputed Kashmir. Gilgit-Baltistan’s capital. The Gilgit and Hunza rivers meet in a large valley near the city.

What is the China-Pakistan border?

The Khunjerab Pass (also known as Kunjerap or Hongqilapu Pass 红其拉甫) is a major road link between China and Pakistan for travellers, businesspeople, and products. It’s the world’s highest paved border crossing and the sole open border between the two countries.

Why does China value Pakistan?

The two nations cooperate on key subjects. Pakistan supports the one-China policy. China promotes Pakistan’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, security, and socioeconomic growth in terms of Which Area Is Gifted By Pakistan to China.

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